A Fond Farewell 

A Fond Farewell 

Monique Scher A Fond Farewell to Monique, WWIN’s Operations and Special Events Director After more than 11 years with WWIN, Monique Scher, Operations and Special Events Director, has decided to move on to new adventures. Transitions are always bittersweet and none...

WWIN Works

Highlights from our FY22 annual report WWIN’s work changes lives and communities for the better. We know because we see it each day in the achievements of our Star Scholars – and we know because the data bears it out. When a woman attains a college education, she...
Thank you, Fulcrum Capital

Thank you, Fulcrum Capital

WWIN Executive Director Deb Frockt (center) with Fulcrum Capital’s Robert Gilmore, Kathryn Haggitt Fisher, Janet Welcher, and Michelle Mathieu (left to right) at WWIN’s Sip for Stars in September Thank you, Fulcrum Capital, for your dedication to women’s success!...

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