It’s First-Generation College Student Day, and that’s something worth celebrating. 66% of Star
Scholars are these trailblazers, the ones who will be the first in their families to earn a college
degree. WWIN offers first-gen Scholars, and all the women we serve, the opportunity to live the
lives they imagine for themselves.
We invest in women of promise because when the barriers to their ambitions are removed,
WWIN women reach their self-determined goals. And we know that every goal a Star Scholar
reaches today will be amplified tomorrow. By example, she invites others to live the
lives they imagine for themselves.
We are ever hopeful in the presence of WWIN women because they remind us that tomorrow
can—and will—be different because of the choices we make today.
Here is what a few first-generation Scholars had to say:

“I am deeply grateful for the life I have today. I am strong, determined, and resilient. I plan to use both my life experiences and education as tools to help others and to contribute to the positive change we need in the world.”
-Skyla, Northwest Indian College, Chemical Dependency