Save the Date for Elevate 2025!
Saturday, October 25, 2025
Sodo Park-Seattle
Click here for more information on Sponsorship Opportunities.
Ticket and Table Reservations coming soon.
For more information, please contact us at development@wwin.org.
Thank you for making Elevate 2024 a success!
On Saturday, September 28, nearly 200 supporters gathered as we proudly celebrated a decade of the Star Scholar program, including 477 alumnae and 150 Scholars enrolled this year. Thanks to the generous support of our donors, sponsors, table captains and board members, we are thrilled to share that we raised more than $310,000 (and counting) to support WWIN’s program and Scholars!
Guests were especially moved by Rebecca, our featured alumna speaker. Rebecca shared her inspiring testimony of how she overcame generational barriers and hardships to pursue her goal of being the first in her family to earn a college degree, then become a social worker, with WWIN by her side.

“Any door that would open to me, I would take it and swing it wide open. WWIN was that door. WWIN was —and is — far more than just a scholarship to me. Being a Star Scholar gave me validation, empowerment, strength and the reassurance that all of you believed in me and trusted me to reach my goals.”
Today, Rebecca helps young people navigate their own path to higher education– and her example has inspired all five of her children to complete their degrees and pursue their own life goals.
If you have not yet had a chance to participate in WWIN’s only fundraising special event of the year, we invite you to join us in transforming lives through education.