Thank you – You helped Monica finish school!

Nov 17, 2015

“We all face obstacles,” Monica says. “The test of who you are is how you address those obstacles.”

Monica has had plenty to deal with the last few years. In 2009, she was diagnosed with kidney disease and told she needed a transplant. She was already caring for a husband who is disabled and two teenage children. Her dream of going back to school seemed impossible.

But Monica worked hard to achieve her AA degree. She just needed a helping hand to realize her dream. Now she has it! Because of you – and a WWIN education grant – she’s returning to Seattle Central College to finish her bachelor’s degree.

Here’s how your gift helped Monica and other women like her:

gift giving chart
When a woman says to you “No one has ever believed in me, ever in my life, until WWIN” you begin to understand how important a little support and confidence can be. Sometimes in life, all you need is one person to say or do something that can change your life forever. And, YOU are that one person to the women of WWIN.

Thanksgiving at Monica’s house is going to be a lot different this year, filled with gratitude because of what you – and WWIN – has allowed her to accomplish. Thank you for helping Monica, and dozens of others take those last crucial steps.

The impact of your support is so large. And it says something amazing about you that you generously supported these incredible women that you don’t even know. You are such a gift!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Michelle Nitz
Executive Director


Investing in a woman is the best way to ensure a successful future for all of us.
You can help transform our community, one woman at a time.

WWIN is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Tax ID 91-1559848


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