Our commitment to equity

Sep 11, 2020

The tragic deaths of many throughout our nation’s black community weigh heavily on our hearts.  We grieve for their families and loved ones.  Such events must stop.   

WWIN has reflected on how to harness this grief in a constructive manner to ensure we share in the responsibility to end social inequity and racial bias.  At WWIN, we work toward and remain focused on a future centered on gender and racial equity.  WWIN continues our commitment to ensuring that Black women, and all women of color, have equal access to our scholarships and programs.  We continue to reach out to our Scholars of color to ensure they know of our support and resources available to them during this emotionally trying time. 


  • We are committed to matching our Board diversity with our Scholar diversity. 
  • We are committed to engaging our Black Scholars in an effort to increase awareness in the Black community about WWIN’s programs and resources.    
  • We are committed to providing training to our staff. 
  • We are committed to continuing to share the stories of women of color and to allow their voices to be heard.  
  • We are committed to making sure that all our Scholars believe that they matter, that they are worthy, and that their experiences and achievements will not go unnoticed.  

These are trying times for our country, our grantees, our staff and our organization.  WWIN will continue to push forward in fostering equality and collaboration through our mission, for the women of Washington State. 


Investing in a woman is the best way to ensure a successful future for all of us.
You can help transform our community, one woman at a time.

WWIN is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Tax ID 91-1559848


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