Empowering women through education

Jun 25, 2020


Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
-Nelson Mandela

This season we celebrate the graduation of 43 WWIN Scholars who have earned their college degree and are moving boldly toward a future of equality and opportunity.

We also celebrate the accomplishments of the current WWIN Star Scholars who are pursuing their dreams through education.

Already juggling finances, jobs and family responsibilities which make it difficult to find the time to study, the pandemic has brought new challenges to WWIN Scholars. Campus closures have created food and housing insecurities, students who have children are faced with home-schooling demands, and for many, the technology needed to complete online courses was limited.

But the women of WWIN persevere.

Currently, more than 135 eligible new scholarship applicants are holding hope for a WWIN Scholarship to realize their dream of a college education and we need your help.

You have been a generous and caring friend to WWIN and we invite you to continue your investment to empower women in Washington. Your gift, of any size, will help enable a woman to imagine her future, earn her college degree and attain economic security through her career.

At WWIN we believe all women should have a path to achieve her full potential. When women reach for the stars, we all win.

With gratitude,
Michelle Nitz, Executive Director

WWIN empowers women in Washington State to achieve economic stability through higher education and living wage careers.

Donate Here

Please consider a monthly recurring gift to provide uninterrupted support to WWIN Scholars

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Investing in a woman is the best way to ensure a successful future for all of us.
You can help transform our community, one woman at a time.

WWIN is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Tax ID 91-1559848


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