Quieting Your Inner Critic

Presented by Gretchen Remmers, Professional Coach, Facilitator, and Former HR Executive

Imagine what you’d be doing if the voice of “I’m not ready yet” or “Who are you to do that?” or “What will they think?” wasn’t present. Many of us get slowed down, overwhelmed or derailed by self-doubt. We hesitate, avoid or get distracted. We feel like a fraud and go through life with one foot on the gas, and one on the brake.

In this workshop, you’ll explore tools from Tara Mohr’s Playing Big framework to quiet the mental chatter so you can move toward your goals with more calm and clarity, less stress and overwhelm.

You’ll learn
– The myth of self-confidence
– Why we all experience self-doubt
– How to recognize your inner critic
– Three practical tools to quiet self-doubt in the moment so it doesn’t hold you back

Gretchen Remmers is professional coach, facilitator, and former HR executive who has been sparking the best in others for over 25 years. As the resident coach on Tara Mohr’s Playing Big team, she draws on the wisdom and skills of the pioneering Playing Big model to help women around the world learn thepowerful tools to play bigger according to what it means for them.

She believes that going for our dreams is an act of courage, and that stepping into something bigger only becomes possible when we learn to quiet our self-doubt and consistently listen to our own wisdom.

Gretchen REmmers

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